This joint venture between Canadian Dance Teachers’ Association and the Alberta Dance Educator’s Association
is guaranteed to be the Event of the Year… attracting dancers from coast to coast.
Classes will fill up quickly! Register now to avoid disappointment!

Student Teacher and Teacher Assistant Registration for Diamond Dance Summit 2024

This registration only covers those courses held on Sunday July 21, 2024

If you wish to participate on Friday and Saturday you must register through the

Student Registration

Please note Early Bird Deadline is May 31, 2024! Register today to avoid disappointment.

Contact Information
Name (Parent, Guardian or Studio Owner)
Confirm Email
Studio Information
Studio Name
Registration Fee
Assistant Teacher $ 70.00
Student Teacher $ 70.00
Teacher Information
First Name
Last Name


  1. I understand that CDTA National and affiliates are in no way responsible for any loss of property or injury to myself or my dancer(s) at the CDTA National Event: Dance Jam 2023
  2. I understand that pictures may be taken of myself and/or my dancer(s) during CDTA National's Dance Jam that may appear on the CDTA National website, social media pages, and/or in CDTA advertising.
  3. I understand that, for copyright purposes, filming/recording of the classes, dancers, and faculty is NOT allowed.
  4. I understand that there will be No Observers other than registered Teachers.
  5. Lastly, I understand that All fees are Non-Refundable

I understand and agree to the terms and conditions listed above