Super Sunday – hosted by CDTA Ontario Region
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Location: 1650 Dundas St E, Mississauga, ON


Are you a member? Login to get special pricing!

Participant: (Required)

I will attend

At which event were you awarded you Super Sunday scholarship? (Optional)

Please Select one of the following: Cannot Find Course 13250 Cannot Find Course 13254 Cannot Find Course 13258

Limited in person


I understand that CDTA National and affiliates are in no way responsible for any loss of property or injury to myself or my dancer at the CDTA National Event: Super Sunday 2022.
I understand that pictures may be taken of myself or my dancer during CDTA National’s Super Sunday that may appear on the CDTA National website, social media pages, and/or in CDTA advertising.
I understand that, for copywrite purposes, filming/recording of the classes, dancers, and faculty is NOT allowed.
I understand that there will be No Observers